domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2022

What to do in case of earthquake by Adonis Tovar

 we all know what an earthquake is or rather an earthquake is something horrible from which we cannot escape

but if we can neutralize its effects a bit and most importantly

survive if we act correctly

large earthquakes are rarely sudden events

sometimes these are not noticed by the citizenship

they almost always warn by small shakes

only the observatories register them and inform and warn us

I am going to give you some recommendations so that you have them present in the event of an earthquake, they are very important, you must remember them and put them into practice in due course.

It is convenient that you have full knowledge of the structural conditions of your home or workplace in case the earthquake catches you in any of these places

Be familiar with the location of the main power switches.

Likewise, remember the escape routes or emergency exits of the places where you are frequently

of the water stopcocks since you must disconnect them in case of an earthquake

do not place heavy objects on high places in your house

securely secure unstable furniture to the walls

and advise your employer to respect these suggestions

do not place furniture on top of other furniture

do not stack books that hinder the passage

Prepare together with the family group or colleagues activities in practice in case of contingencies

assign concrete tasks

designate a meeting place

prepare a first aid kit

keep a first aid kit at your workplace

keep a fire extinguisher in your home and workplace

An earthquake is something terrible from which we cannot neutralize its effects a bit and most importantly survive

Natural disasters By Kevin Daniel

 You know what happened


in USA. a hurricane happened



not my car

if then my

wait don't you feel
