domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2022

What to do in case of earthquake by Adonis Tovar

 we all know what an earthquake is or rather an earthquake is something horrible from which we cannot escape

but if we can neutralize its effects a bit and most importantly

survive if we act correctly

large earthquakes are rarely sudden events

sometimes these are not noticed by the citizenship

they almost always warn by small shakes

only the observatories register them and inform and warn us

I am going to give you some recommendations so that you have them present in the event of an earthquake, they are very important, you must remember them and put them into practice in due course.

It is convenient that you have full knowledge of the structural conditions of your home or workplace in case the earthquake catches you in any of these places

Be familiar with the location of the main power switches.

Likewise, remember the escape routes or emergency exits of the places where you are frequently

of the water stopcocks since you must disconnect them in case of an earthquake

do not place heavy objects on high places in your house

securely secure unstable furniture to the walls

and advise your employer to respect these suggestions

do not place furniture on top of other furniture

do not stack books that hinder the passage

Prepare together with the family group or colleagues activities in practice in case of contingencies

assign concrete tasks

designate a meeting place

prepare a first aid kit

keep a first aid kit at your workplace

keep a fire extinguisher in your home and workplace

An earthquake is something terrible from which we cannot neutralize its effects a bit and most importantly survive

Natural disasters By Kevin Daniel

 You know what happened


in USA. a hurricane happened



not my car

if then my

wait don't you feel


Enseñando inglés.

“La enseñanza de la pronunciación es una parte primordial de la enseñanza del Inglés que, por diferentes razones, se ha dejado de lado durante mucho tiempo, o se ha trabajado de manera deficiente. Hoy en día, sigue habiendo docentes que no consideran que trabajar la pronunciación de manera explícita en el aula sea especialmente necesario. Otros que sí consideran que lo es, se encuentran con trabas de distinto tipo, sobre todo a nivel estructural del sistema educativo, que les dificultan mucho poder darle un tratamiento apropiado. En este trabajo me propongo a analizar, en relación con todo esto, cómo se puede incluir el trabajo en pronunciación en el aula, cuáles son las principales dificultades que pueden tener los alumnos al respecto y diferentes perspectivas desde las que se pueden abordar.”(R. Rolo, 2019)

Pipo's dream by Abrahan Rangel

 Pipo was sleeping

oh no, it's flooded

Pipo and his bed went out the window

Hello, I am Mrs. Flood, I am powerful, when it rains excessively, I appear

The lady left without Pipo being able to say anything

the bed stopped on a hill

what is this place

finally i could stop

what happened to this place

Hi, I'm Mrs. Sequia, everything in my path dries up and dies, you better go

madam wait

Pipo went up the hill and arrived at a town

Help, the ground is hot and the buildings are falling

ha ha ha I do not tremble

hello tremble with fear sir

I am Mr. Earthquake, I make everything shake I collapse buildings

flee, on another hill you will meet the boy

bye, is there another boy on the hill?

here the hill with the child

Arr Arr Arr


mine I will not let anything come

how hot

there's no water

and that child doing damage

and that child

It's a giant

i'm the kid

I am very powerful, I can heat the sea I do not let it rain, there is a great drought

you're a phenomenon

you have disgusted me



what a relief it was just a nightmare

Recycle, Reuse, Save water and energy, any contribution is valuable to save the earth from global warming, the greenhouse effect and all the disasters that are caused by pollution.

Let's learn to prevent natural disasters By Aaron Montenegro

 A prevention plan should be considered, recognize a safe place, an emergency backpack.




I'm burning

earthquakes before

prepare a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, food and a cell phone

earthquakes during

I keep calm to avoid accidents

I am in the fetal position

I don't use the elevator

earthquakes after

I don't light candles or tinderboxes

prompt eviction

check the conditions of your house

Geoeducation by Jeshua Garcia

 Do you know how our home, the earth, works?

Hi, I'm Liliana and we're going to talk about volcanoes.

I'm Juan Diego. And I'm going to help my mommy to explain clearly

very clear I said

volcanoes are the superficial expression of the internal activity of the earth

clearly a volcano is a pimple of the earth

ehh, volcanoes are the result of the accumulation of material that is expelled by the grater... yes, a kind of pimple

if it's a pimple

and lava in a liquid state that has high temperatures that is why it can be seen red

When you cook potatoes and you forget, the potatoes go from solid to a kind of liquid. that's lava

Let's say that if the lava is composed of materials in a liquid, solid and gaseous state and is the product of the high pressures and temperatures found inside the planet

with pleasure ma!!! you owe me an hour of games in the purchase

Thank you Juan Diego for your help.

Remember: Volcanoes are the product of the internal activity of the planet

The volcanoes of Ecuador are located in the Andes mountain range and in the Galapagos Islands.

Alert natural disasters by Karen Vega

look at the flood

look at that fire

if we better run

look at that tornado

yes, it comes very strong

volcano erupting

the Fires by Diego Gauta

 helping the cat

quickly the kitten

fire out

saving the environment