lunes, 13 de octubre de 2014

El pasado

“The American Revolutionary War was the first successful colonial war of independence against a European power. Americans had developed an ideology of "republicanism" that held government rested on the will of the people as expressed in their local legislatures. They demanded their rights as Englishmen, “no taxation without representation”. The British insisted on administering the empire through Parliament, and the conflict escalated into war.[72] Following the passage of the Lee Resolution, on July 2, 1776, which was the actual vote for independence, the Congress adopted theDeclaration of Independence, on July 4, which proclaimed, in a long preamble, that humanity is created equal in their unalienable rights and that those rights were not being protected by Great Britain, and finally declared, in the words of the resolution, that the 13 colonies were independent states and had no allegiance to the British crown in the United States. The latter date, July 4, 1776, is now celebrated annually as America's Independence Day. In 1777, the Articles of Confederation established a weak government that operated until 1789.”
Verb "to be"    Verbo "ser - estar" (Pasado)

Como verbo SER

Como verbo ESTAR

I was
Yo era/fui
You were
Tú eras/fuiste
Usted era/fue
He was
Él era/fue
She was
Ella era/fue
It was
Él/Ella era/fue
We were
Nosotros éramos
Nosotros fuimos
You were
Vosotros érais/fuisteis (*)
Ustedes eran (**)
Ustedes fueron (**)
They were
Ellos/as eran/fueron

I was
Yo estaba/estuve
You were
Tú estabas/estuviste
Usted estaba/estuvo
He was
Él estaba/estuvo
She was
Ella estaba/estuvo
It was
Él/Ella estaba/estuvo
We were
Nosotros estábamos
Nosotros estuvimos
You were
Vosotros estábais/estuvisteis (*)
Ustedes estaban (**)
Ustedes estuvieron (**)
They were
Ellos/as estaban/estuvieron

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